Special Packaging
EFCO continually develops new ways to make things better for you.
We offer many packaging solutions to meet your needs. From everyday pails and streamlined, portion-controlled pouches, to dispensing solutions, we have you covered. Utilizing emerging technologies and industry trends, our packaging options give you ease and flexibility while extending shelf life, reducing waste, and increasing profitability.
Whatever your application, EFCO has a solution. Take a look at some of the ways we make that happen, below, and call us to talk more about them.
Calling all QSRs and Chain Restaurants! Looking to add flavor while controlling your costs? Looking to get a higher yield with less waste from your current dispensing system? Look no further!
There are thousands of condiments and sauces to choose from, but only one dispensing system that offers flexibility and ease-of-use as the FlexPrep system does. These convenient, innovative prefilled pouches will add to your customer’s experience and EFCO is uniquely qualified to serve up any condiment, sauce or dressing you want using the FlexPrep system. With a 98% evacuation rate, say good-bye to seeing your profits go down the drain. Reduce wasteful packaging by approximately 85% and deliver an exact, portion-controlled product.
Advantages of FlexPrep Packaging System:
Reduce Food Waste
Flex Prep provides excellent portion control and evacuation of the base container.
Reduce Food Safety Risks
Cross-contamination can introduce harmful bacteria resulting in foodborne illness.
Reduce Operating Costs
The QSR industry is a highly competitive industry with lower margins.
Reduce landfill waste and reduce the environmental impact of packaging materials. The FlexPrep dispensing system can reduce packaging waste by up to 75% versus plastic jugs and pumps.

In partnership with Server Products, Inc., EFCO has developed a ground-breaking bottle pump and pouch system that can dispense anything from dessert syrups like chocolate sauce to fruity beverage flavorings like strawberry. This is a game-changing solution that can easily replace how you dispense products today by increasing appeal with your customer and giving your business a bottom-line boost.
Using the pouch packaging with a special fitment from EFCO to replace plastic jugs and bottles provides a tremendous business benefit. For instance, our bottle pump and pouch system offer far better product evacuation compared with current-day pumps. Because of our special fitment, there is a super tight seal that makes it easier for the bottle pump to extract the contents. And the pouch collapses as it empties, which makes it possible to evacuate even the smallest amount of content. The bottom line is a cost saving to your bottom line. Less waste means more product utilization and ultimately more profit.
The bottle pump and pouch system is also better for the environment and fits right in with your own green initiatives. Compared with bottles and ½ gallon jugs, the pouch uses less plastic. And because the pouch collapses, there is less plastic product in your dumpster and in the landfill. It’s good for you and good for the earth.
EFCO can produce pouches with the fitment in a variety of sizes. And because the pouches allow us to pack more efficiently, there’s even a small cost saving for you. Combine that benefit with Server Products’ ability to customize the holding vessel with full-color graphics, there may truly be no better solution than EFCO.

Easy Pack™
EFCO Easy Pack pouches are slender 2 lb. sleeves, ideal for portion control and easy handling. Their practicality and precision make them a necessity for any baker. Not only are they convenient and easy to use, but they are also exceptionally easy to open! With a snip to the corner, you are ready to pour without having to transfer the product to another dispenser. One of the greatest features of our Easy Pack is that it actually functions as a piping bag, saving you time and money while ensuring safe, contamination-free use.
These pouches are lightweight, transparent, and can hold products with varying viscosity. They take up less space when empty, making disposal more efficient. Easy Pack pouches are a cleaner, safer way to dispense fillings on Danish, cakes or other pastries. So effective, so EASY!
So reach out to us today to discuss how EFCO Easy Packs can improve your baking experience and take a bite out of your bottom line.